ETF List

In this list I outline a handful of the exchange traded funds (ETF) for use in your investment portfolios where I have provided a yield or invome return this is based on today’s figures as at the 12th of March 2021.

The Reason for using exchange traded funds in all of your portfolios

  1. Low Charges
  2. Complete Flexibility
  3. These are ‘physically replicated’ funds and not made up of derivatives.

I have no reason to make recommendations of conventional investment funds.

SectorETF nameTickerAnnual costsAnnual yield
Equities – World
 HSBC FTSE All World Index Fund 0.13%1.88%
 Vanguard FTSE All-World UCITS ETFVWRL0.25%2.2%
 iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETFSWDA / IWDG0.20%n/a
 iShares MSCI World SRI UCITS ETFSUWS0.30%1.19%
Equities – UK
 iShares FTSE100 UCITS ETFISF0.07%3.1%
 UBS MSCI UK IMI Socially Responsible UCITS ETFUKSR0.28%3.12%
 Vanguard FTSE100 UCITS ETFVUKE0.09%3.5%
 Vanguard FTSE250 UCITS ETFVMID0.10%N/A
 iShares FTSE250 UCITS ETFMIDD0.40%2.4%
 iShares UK Dividend UCITS ETFIUKD0.40%4.3%
Equities – USA
 Vanguard S&P500 ETFNYSE:VOO0.05%1.9%
 S&P S&P500 ETFNYSE:SPY0.09%1.9%
 iShares S&P500 ETFLSE:IUSA ; NYSE:IVV0.40%1.0%
 iShares NASDAQ 100 ETFLSE:EXXT (Euro) / CNDX0.31%0.4%
 Vanguard Total Stock Market ETFNYSE:VTI0.05%1.8%
 Vanguard Small Cap Value ETFNYSE:VBR0.09%1.9%
Equities – Australia
 Vanguard S&P/ASX 300 ETFASX:VAS0.14%4.7%
 iShares MSCI Australia 200 ETFASX:IOZ ; NYSE:EWAn/a4.0%
 iShares MSCI Australia UCITS ETFSAUS (in GBP; IAUS for USD version)0.50%0% (i.e. it’s acc)
 iShares S&P/ASX Dividend Opportunities ETFASX:IHD0.30%4.7%
 Vanguard MSCI Australian Small Companies Index ETFASX:VSO0.30%3.5%
Equities – other International
 Lyxor Core EuroStoxx 600 UCITS ETFMEUD0.07%0.0%
 HSBC Euro Stoxx 50 UCITS ETFH50E0.15%2.3%
 iShares Euro Dividend UCITS ETFIDVY0.40%2.1%
 Vanguard FTSE Developed Europe ex UKVERX0.12%n/a
 iShares Euro Total Market Value Large UCITS ETFIDJV0.40%2.2%
 Vanguard FTSE Dev Asia Pac ex Japan UCITS ETFVAPX0.22%2.75%
 Vanguard FTSE Japan UCITS ETFVJPN0.19%1.41%
 Vanguard FTSE Emerging Index UCITS ETFVFEM0.25%2.3%
 HSBC MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETFHMEF0.60%1.9%
Fixed income – UK
 Lyxor Core FTSE Actuaries UK Gilts ETFGILS0.07%2.1%
 Lyxor FTSE Actuaries UK Gilts 0-5Y ETFGIL50.07%3.0%
 Lyxor FTSE Actuaries UK Gilts 0-5Y ETFGILI0.07%0.32%
 iShares Core UK Gilts UCITS ETFIGLT0.20%2.1%
 iShares £ Index-Linked Gilts UCITS ETFINXG0.25%2.0%
 iShares Core £ Corporate Bond UCITS ETFSLXX0.20%2.6%
 iShares £ Ultrashort Corporate Bond UCITS ETFERNS0.20%0.3%
Fixed income – USA
 iShares $ Treasury Bond UCITS ETFGOVT0.07%0.8%
 Vanguard Total Bond Market ETFBND0.07%2.0%
 Vanguard USD Treasuries ETFVUTY0.12%1.5%
 Vanguard Long Term Government Bond ETFVGLT0.12%2.7%
 Vanguard Long Term Corporate Bond ETFNYSE:VCLT0.12%4.5%
 SPDR Barclays High Yield Corporate BondNYSE:JNK0.4%5.8%
 iShares $ High Yield Corporate Bond ETFSHYU0.5%5.8%
Fixed income – Australia
 Vanguard Australian Government Bond ETFASX:VGB0.20%2.6%
 iShares Composite Bond ETFASX:IAF0.24%4.5%
 iShares Treasury ETFASX:IGB0.26%4.2%
Fixed income – other International
 Vanguard Total International Bond Index ETFBNDX0.15%0.64%
 iShares JPM USD Emerging Markets Bond ETFEMB0.40%4.9%
 iShares JPM USD Emerging Markets Bond ETFSEMB0.45%4.9%
 iShares Euro High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETFIHYG0.50%4.6%
 iShares Emerging Markets High Yield BondEMHY0.55%4.9%

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need to discuss these in more detail

Contact Richard

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